Exercise Recommendations To Improve:


Exercise 1: Quadricep Soft Tissue

Foam Roller Quads: Lying on your front propped up on your elbows with a foam roller under one of your thighs, roll slowly along the length of muscle applying pressure that is uncomfortable but that you are able to breathe through normally.<br/><br/>Set + Reps: 30-60secs per side, per body part

KB Hip Flexors: Lying on your back with your feet elevated on top of bench; place the corner of kettlebell into your hip flexor and move the same sided leg slowly from side to side applying pressure that is uncomfortable but that you are able to breathe through normally.<br/><br/>

Set + Reps: 30-60secs per side, per body part

Exercise 2: Quadricep Mobility Exercises

Couch Stretch: Set up on one knee, with your back foot elevated on a small stool. Squeeze your glute on the back leg and press the same hip forward to a position where you feel a stretch down the front of your thighs. Hold this position and push your back foot down into the stool for 5 seconds and relax following. Repeat the same process for the prescribed reps. To progress stretch, raise the height of the stool.<br/><br/>

Set + Reps: 2 x 5-15 Contract + Relax @ 5 Second Contract, 5 Second Relax