“I train people just like you to stand on mountain peaks, run the remotest of trails and live a life of adventure and fulfilment . My job is to optimise you for the physical and mental challenges of the mountains, for trek, trail and adventure sports & activities.” Joe Bonington

Take the guesswork and frustration out of your training


Learn to train for your hiking, trekking and mountaineering journey safely, so you can participate fully without worrying whether you will let your teammates down or run out of steam along the way.


Know that if the sh*t hits the fan, you have done everything to optimise the safety and enjoyment of your amazing journey into the unknown.

“Following the wrong kind of training plan when you are planning a trip or an adventure could get you the wrong kind of fit and into a lot of trouble and even danger” Joe Bonington

How it works

Implimenting Joe’s unique three pillar system




Upon sign-up you will receive a strategy call to help me understand your goals, your experience, your circumstances and your preferences. From this we will create a plan of attack aligned with your vision of what you want to achieve.



The Assessment

The assessment process we test your current health, movement and strength capabilities and your fitness



I will take all the information that you have given me and work out / develop / design / put together the best training protocols for your unique situation and goal.

You then practice the program with ongoing support from myself / me, including regular messaging and a weekly call.

We monitor and adjust all the way through your journey.

The Basecamp community is there cheering you on and when you get back we debrief so you can get the most out of your experience at a deeper level.


Mobile App

You’ll be able to access your plan directly on your phone where you can upload videos, interact & sync with wearable fitness devices.



Participate in calls with a great bunch of people with amazing adventure goals at all levels, from people just starting out, to people doing world-firsts.

How it works

Implimenting Joe’s unique three pillar system




Upon sign-up you will receive a strategy call to help me understand your goals, your experience, your circumstances and your preferences. From this we will create a plan of attack aligned with your vision of what you want to achieve.



The Assessment

The assessment process we test your current health, movement and strength capabilities and your fitness



I will take all the information that you have given me and work out / develop / design / put together the best training protocols for your unique situation and goal.
You then practice the program with ongoing support from myself / me, including regular messaging and a weekly call.
We monitor and adjust all the way through your journey.

The Basecamp community is there cheering you on and when you get back we debrief so you can get the most out of your experience at a deeper level.

Mobile App

You’ll be able to access your plan directly on your phone where you can upload videos, interact & sync with wearable fitness devices.


Participate in calls with a great bunch of people with amazing adventure goals at all levels, from people just starting out, to people doing world-firsts.

The Plan

An Expert Approach

Your program is designed specifically to help support your adventure, mountain, outdoor and endurance based activities and is your personal blueprint for success in the high and wild places of this world. This means no more wasted time, money, and effort following generic programs not designed for your specific goals.

Achieve Multiple Fitness Goals

I specialise in training for trail, trek and mountain sports and adventure activities, meaning I will show you how to build strength and endurance, making you more robust, resilient and increasing your stamina. The by-product of this is we'll also optimise your general health for longevity by default and enhance your mobility by default.

Ongoing Education

Every aspect of your training program will be fully explained, beginning with your initial onboarding call to explain the strategy, how it will work ? and the results you can expect to see & feel, as well as the methodology behind your program.


” I love what I do with a passion” Joe

I’ve been helping people kick amazing goals and put ticks next to awesome bucket list items for over 22 years now.


People know me for training adventurers to summit Everest ski or go/to embark on overland expeditions across the poles or run across deserts BUT in actual fact I specialise in helping ordinary people with extraordinary goals, people who want to go out into nature and up to altitude or into the wilderness.


It’s about helping people unlock their full potential and helping them to do amazing things that they never thought possible.


My Joe’s Basecamp Online Coaching Service is the culmination of my experience in this field – and my qualifications as a mountain & adventure fitness specialist, functional & corrective exercise specialist, Strength & Conditioning Coach, running coach, mindset & performance coach – combined with my work as a commercial trek leader in the Himalayas and my own experiences and adventures across The Himalayas, the Australian Outback, New Zealand  and UK and Europe.


I’ve always been a lover of the high and wild places.


And I feel I’m the luckiest man alive because I get to share that love and passion with people like you and use my knowledge to help others get out into nature and challenge themselves at whatever level they have set for themselves.


My role is to make sure that with whatever adventure or event you are embarking on, that it is NOT your fitness or your mental strength that will be a weak link in the chain. That you are running at optimal for what you need to achieve and when you need to achieve it.


Over my career I’ve delivered over 10,000 hours of both face to face and online coaching, helping thousands get to see some of the most amazing parts of the world. I’m privileged to have seen literally hundreds of happy and elated faces on tops of peaks, on ridge lines and at basecamps all over the world holding up a Basecamp Buff for the obligatory photo.





Ready to Train for your next adventure or event?


  • 3 months (1 week of assessments + 12 Weeks of Programming)
    (or AU$150 set up fee and three instalments of AU$349)


    • The flagship Online Adventure Fitness program
    • Strategy session with Joe
    • Assessments
    • 12 weeks of programming
    • Training Nutrition Advice
    • Weekly Zoom call
    • Onboarding call with Joe
    • Messaging support with Joe
    • Weekly check-in + compliance report
    • Exercise technique correction via video
    • App with workout logging + video instruction
    • Accountability
    • Access to resources and community
    • End of plan review call with Joe

  • Planning something special? Your personal Adventure fitness consultant at your beck and call. Let's plan and train for your next adventure from start to finish AU$4997

    • Completely bespoke program
    • Psychometric testing
    • Support and advice around expedition and event planning
    • Mindset coaching
    • Skills acquisition
    • Weekly personal check in, progress and planning call
    • Training all the way up to your next adventure (maximum 12 months)

    and everything available to to the Ascent program

    • Strategy session with Joe
    • Assessments
    • Training Nutrition Advice
    • Weekly Zoom call
    • Onboarding call with Joe
    • Messaging support with Joe
    • Weekly check-in + compliance report
    • Exercise technique correction via video
    • App with workout logging + video instruction
    • Accountability
    • Access to resources and community
    • End of plan review call with Joe

  • Got the inklings of an adventurous idea and don’t know where to start? 1 hour/AU$500


    This unique in depth consultation is everything you need to get you on the right path. I will walk you through my entire 3 pillar, 9 prescription process.

    • You will walk away with a report and a plan
    • You will know what your next steps are
    • What you need to do
    • What tasks you need to get covered off to fulfill your awesome goals.


Why should I join today instead of waiting?

It's time for you to take action. Simple as that. If you really want to be as fit as possible for your adventure/event/activity  then you need somewhere to get answers to all of your questions - especially the ones you don’t know you have yet. You need expert advice, support, community, and most of all... accountability!

Joe’s Basecamp is that place. If you really want to make a difference, the time is now.

What kind of training is Joe’s Basecamp suitable for?

We focus on on Mountain, Trail and Adventure based sports and events including Trekking, Thru-Hiking, Mountaineering, Ski-Touring, Bike-packing, Paddle Adventures, Polar Adventures, Trail and Ultra-Running and Adventure Racing.


These are the kind of Adventures and events that the majority of our members are doing or training to do. That said, much of our training philosophy is relevant to other types of activities, and just being functionally fit and healthy for living a great life and so we do have Basecampers who apply what we teach to just getting the most out of life.


I do not train bodybuilders, Bikini competitions or field sports.

I'm an absolute novice and very unfit, is the Basecamp right for me?

Absolutely - the Basecamp covers you from the very beginning of your fitness journey helping you get started wether you are an absolute beginner who has never done structured training before or a seasoned pro with experience under your belt.


And now is the perfect time for you to join the Basecamp; as not only do I have training that will take you through every step of your journey, but you'll also be able to get support and advice from within the community too, to help you on that  journey.

I’m already self-motivated and experienced in the gym, what can using the Basecamp system do for me?

Assuming you want to be focused on an outdoor or wilderness sport or activity as your end goal then the Basecampy can help you with fine tune your training, we are experts in training for this specialized area, we can keep you on the straight and narrow and make sure you are using the right training techniques at the right time, with the right volume and the right intensity.


This is certainly not a "beginner only" community - far from it! I've helped clients do world firsts, place on podiums, climb 8000m peaks and break course records in both trail runs and cycling, so there's plenty of expertise on offer that you're sure to benefit from in your continued journey.

What if I don't enjoy Joe’s Basecamp Online?

I know you will LOVE the Basecamp, however, if for whatever reason you're not 100% satisfied in any way and have completed the first phase of your training (13 weeks) I will give you your money back. I want you to succeed, and know that if you join the Basecamp and really put your heart and soul into it... you will see amazing results!

What happens if I decide to cancel my membership?

Obviously we'd love it if all of our crew stuck around forever - but we've worked with people for long enough to know that that's never going to happen! So, if you do decide to cancel after the initial 13 weeks, obviously we'll be very sad, but you'll be able to do so easily, just send me a message and we will cancel your programming

Once cancelled you’ll retain access to your program for any remaining time paid for, after which you’ll lose access to the program, calls, community and other benfits.

I’m not 100% sure that the Basecamp is right for me, do you offer a trial so I can test it out?

No we do not offer trials. If you have questions book in a call and I can talk you through the process LINK

I'm NOT a hard core adventurer I'm just going on a commercial trek is this right for me?

This is perfect for you, this really is for the everyday person, who is juggling family, work commitments but has an amazing adventure lined up that they want to get the most out of

How Does Online Adventure fitness coaching work?

My Online adventure fitness training service is a comprehensive fitness coaching approach that involves my drawing on twenty two years of experience as a highly qualified strength & Conditioning and running coach, a trek leader, occasional mountaineer and a wilderness wanderer, to give you a program focused on adventure based sports  such as Trekking, hiking, mountaineering, polar travel, trail running or adventure paddling and Mountain bike touring.

  1. You are assessed to see where your fitness levels are now and how well you move.
  2. The strength and mobility components of the programs are tailored to be used in Gyms or using minimal equipment at home. The Fitness and endurance elements are designed to preferably be done in the great outdoors.
  3. I support you every step of the way with group zoom calls, message support and video analysis.

essentially what i do is give you a plan and the support to give you the confidence that you are doing the right exercise, the right amount in the right time frame for you to achieve your awesome goal and maximise your chances of a successful undertaking. If you would like to discuss how exactly the program works feel free book an initial consultation call with me now.

What level of support will I get?

Heaps!!! You get your strategy call, the easy to use app with all the videos and instructions, you get the weekly Zoom call, you get a 20 minute calibration call as and when its needed, you also get in app messaging and video review.

What happens if I have to travel?

No problem, this is the bonus of online coaching, its so flexible. sessions can be adapted, easily and if your travel is to disruptive we can just pause the coaching and we will resume when you return

Do you help with medical conditions/injuries?

As this is an online service I’m not in a position to diagnose injuries. I would advise that you see a suitable health professional prior to starting your training program. Medical advice is not a part of my service. To be clear, although my training programs work toward optimal health they are not intended as a replacement for personalised medical advice. However if you have the green light for exercise from your medical professionals, understand the nature of an ailment, injury or medical condition and need a coach who will work with you and your health professional to personalise your regime accordingly, you are in the right place.

Do I have to join a gym?

The answer is no BUT there is a caveat to that. You need to think of a gym as a tool. A commercial gym holds tens of thousands of dollars of equipment that can help you towards your goal... meaning you can spend your own money on other things rather than trying to replicate what is cheaper at the gym. You should be focusing on your workout NOT wether the place is not filled with your kind of people or not.

Saying that if getting to the gym is not an option, don't worry, Ive still got you covered.

What Activities and sports do you train people for?

People who are training for and NOT exclusive to, any of the following

Mountain Biking, Ski Touring, Cross Country Skiing, Trail Running, Fell Running, Mountaineering, Adventure racing, Obstacle Course racing, Mountain Triathlon

Will I lose weight/Gain Muscle on your program?

I won't take on a weight loss client for the sake of weight loss BUT if weight loss will help your goal I ma very experienced in that area, It's just that it only interest me in relation to your performance and your movement rather than what you look like in your swimmers.

With Muscle building in a word YES but its functional muscle as opposed to big slabs of body builder muscle. Believe me any weight you are carrying up a hill, hour after hour needs to be useful and contributing to your journey in the form of muscular endurance rather than detracting from it by burning extra energy and calories that you need.



How can I help?