20 Sep Client Focus – Gisele Van den Berg
Who are you?
Gisele van den Berg born is South Africa and I have lived in five different countries between the ages of 16-23. I just turned 23 and live in Manly.
What do you do for a crust?
I am currently studying at Sydney University and work at Mosman Physiotherapy as their receptionist.
What is your sport?
As of next week touch football and I just train everyday because I really enjoy it.
At what level do you do your sport, what accolades have you received?
No level. Just for fun and Fitness
How long have you been training with Joe and or Joe’s Garage?
8 weeks
What is your favourite workout and why?
I love them all but If I had to pick; I really enjoy strength training. I have gained so much strength in the last eight weeks. Today I did my PB of 60 Kg Low Bar Full Back Squat, 40 kg Bench, 65 kg Deadlift and 40 kg bent over row. J
If you could live anywhere where would it be?
Nice in France or Manhattan NYC (depending on how old I am)
What are you reading?
Mostly my university textbooks but on the side I am currently reading fifty shades of grey
What do you watch?
I love Modern Family, Criminal Minds and True Blood
What are you listening to?
My favorite song this week is Angle by The XX
What’s your vice?
Over training and Salt and Vinegar crisps
If you could have dinner with anybody who would it be?
Barack Obama I think he would be very interesting.
Tell us a secret?
When I was 6 years old I begged my parents to change my name to Madonna because I was obsessed with her. (Thank gosh they didn’t.)
What have been the benefits of training at Joe’s Garage?
Since I started training at Joe’s I have seen a tremendous increase in my fitness and strength. My favorite part of my day is when I get to Joe’s. I love the fact that the classes are never the same and I am always challenged.
I always leave feeling happy and like I achieve something that day. I don’t feel like I HAVE to go to training I feel like I WANT to go every single day without fail, it’s never a chore but something I really look forward too.
What is the key to happiness?
Taking care of your body by exercising and healthy eating, Surrounding yourself with people who make you laugh and happy, caring and helping others, positive thinking, learning new things, having goals, finding ways to bounce back and being comfortable with yourself.
What is your next goal?
Compete in a Triathlon and Crossfit
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