06 Jan Feb Fast – detox the excesses of Christmas and New Year
During February all my clients go on a clear out to purge the excesses of Christmas and the new year.
To help the process along I have developed a proccess called the Joe Bonington Natural Eating Plan. This plan thoroughly explains why we should spend some time every year eating as naturally as possible. The plan allows our body to take a break from all the toxins of modern day living, which in turn helps us feel better, perform at a higher level, tone up and lose weight and enjoy a better quality of life.
Normally this would only be available to my one on one clients but we have had such a great response that I’d like to see as many people as possible getting great benefits and feeling much better about themselves.
Both my wife and I are looking forward to taking part in Febfast. The information was fantastic, comprehensive, and had the all important Bonington humour which made reading the material enjoyable. I’m also looking forward to swapping ideas, getting support and hearing others views. Bring on Febfast! – Ian Rowe
If you want to know more about “Feb Fast” explore the following link: Joe Bonington Natural Eating Plan or just send us an email.
Feb Fast is a great way to kick start the year after the excesses of Xmas and the new year – which always seem to carry on into January. It makes you focus on what you are putting into your mouth and approach your diet holistically. Joe’s explanation of why certain foods are out of bounds makes sobering reading. The fact that you are one of many engaging in Feb Fast creates a sense of camaraderie, particularly if you are doing it with family and friends. And there are plenty of recipes both from Joe and in mainstream cookbooks so that you can still eat well on Feb Fast. – Kerri Thomas
Feb Fast what a great idea – good month of eating to a plan and not drinking alcohol. You will be surprised at what you can do without-caffeine, milk etc. You will wake up feeling refreshed every morning and will lose weight! – Catherine Murphy
Feb-Fast what a brilliant idea and the timing couldnt be more perfect for a healthy living program! Thank God Ive got through the Christmas parties, the family feasts (not to mention the left-overs!) all New Years celebrations and finally the catch-ups with old-acquaintance. Now its time to be good to my body again by putting in the good fuel and reaping the rewards. – Adam Halen
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