02 Jul Free Entry into Pub 2 Pub for Sweat and Tears Group Fitness and Personal Training
Very special offer to tie in with our new revamped Outdoor group fitness program “Sweat and Tears” . This is a focused results orientated program that is very different from ordinary Boxing groups, circuit classes, Boot camps and other programs. For one thing it focuses on results over 12 weeks, the optimal time for results.
The Offer: Sweat and Tears is available in 1, 2 and 3 month blocks. SIgn up for 3 months and get your entry into the Pub2Pub fun run paid for by jus!! How good is that!
For our Personal Training clients, any client who is seeking us once a week or more is also eligable for entry into the Pub2Pub.
Let us know before the close of business 10th July whether you will be joining us and our team for a good run (and a few beers after!)
For more information contact Joe Bonington
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