January bootcamp – Time to start your outdoor group exercise regime again

Sweat and Tears is starting Monday 11th January
Time to work away the excesses of Christmas, replace the dull fuzzy head of new year with a new vibrant you. Fulfill your New year resolutions with fun exercise sessions either on the beautiful Northern Beaches or in view of the Harbor bridge and Opera house in the City.
We have sessions to suit all and with our unique rewards point system you get added value.
For more information go to our Group Exercise page and for further enquiries email us.
I hate the way I feel after Christmas but doing Sweat and Tears makes me feel alot better about myself and the bonus is I lose weight and get fit as well, it’s great to do it all with a good crowd of people as well. It’s such a blast, making the exercise fun really helps me get the results I want – Megan Smith

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