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What’s New at The Basecamp….

I have been really busy behind the scenes at the Basecamp over the last few months creating adventure and goal oriented training skeletons along with individualised Basecamp Kitchen Meal Planners for our awesome community . I’ll be honest I’ve put my heart and soul into it and the results are fantastic.
Here is just some of what current members have said about the new program and supporting collateral…….

“Joe Bonington, not quite sure we all know just how much work went into the new programs and nutrition guides. Looks like tons to me. They look fantastic so I wanted to say THANK YOU!! Well done to you and the team.”

“We’re all talking about the detail & work that has gone into such an extensive program!
Love being able to record results in Zen Planner App too!”
“Your awesome Joe Bonington! Thank you for all your efforts xx”
“Seriously Joe! Thankyou, it’s such fabulous information!”

I wanted to update our training and programming, to really propel the Basecamp and its members forward fast to bigger and better achievements and this is the outcome.  A game changer I believe.

In 2017, Basecamp members get all this awesome new collateral as part of their package.   You’ll be amazed at how much thought goes into what we do daily. This is what you now get as a Basecamp member:
– A personal goals and fitness strategy mindset session geared purely towards your needsjournal
– A Complete physical assessment with a highly trained coach
– Access to Transition classes – An all new class which teaches you tips, tricks and skills from primal patterns to using free weights so that you can train and exercise safely and confidently
– A personal, all new, goal orientated training skeleton – an overview of what training structure is best for you and your goals.  These, we believe, are a game changer in the fitness industry.
– Access to our new Strength and Conditioning classes.  Here, our new and unique programming system gives you a choice of Strength training, Conditioning or Cardio on any given day, according to your skeleton recommendation
– Joe’s 28 day Natural Eating Plan, this fantastic guide is the culmination of a lifetime fascination with nutrition (backed by qualified nutritionists)
– The Basecamp Kitchen Quick Start Guide, a new quick guide to get you kickstarted in the right direction, fast.zest
– All New Basecamp Kitchen 28 day meal planners, individualised to your body type. I enlisted the help of Nutritionist, Amanda Ford, to write the meal planners to back up his ethos on nutrition and body typing
– The Basecamp Journal, your accountability plan.  A 5 minute daily Journal to keep you tracking true north towards smashing your goals what ever they are. The Basecamp Journal was developed from Joe’s expertise of performance psychology.
– I CAN DO IT reminder wristband, to remind you all day of what you can achieve
– Access to our all new extraordinary Sundays, bush walks and mini adventures, possibilities of overseas adventures
– Monthly Inspirational Explorers club nights.  Come and be inspired as you hear about real adventurers from our members, where they are going and what they are doing.

I’m really proud of the program now and excited for the future for all our members and their adventures.
Get in touch if you are not already part of our awesome Basecamp Crew

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