14 Aug Why I do what I do
I love what I do with a passion. There is not a morning that I don’t get up and smile as I pull on the chain that opens the roller doors to “The Garage”. I look around and I don’t just see a space filled with exercise equipment. I see a space where dreams built, goals made and achieved. I see the smiles and even the tears from people achieving things they never thought were possible.
I feel excitement as I watch people’s self esteem grow, as people become amazed at their own abilities, abilities that I always thought they had, even if they were unsure themselves. I watch as people from different walks of life help each other, look out and encourage each other.
I am very very lucky to be able to do what I do. Basically it’s about using my knowledge, my enthusiasm and my experience to help people achieve whatever goal it is they wish to achieve and I’m lucky to be paid to do what I do, whether that be coaching at the Garage or leading treks through the high places of the Himalayas. I pinch myself when I think about how I’ve managed to find such a satisfying niche in life. One that I can throw myself into wholeheartedly and one where I am able to give back and help others, including those who have been dealt a tougher hand than mine.It’s about helping give what I can, where I can. That’s where Β Peter Malhouhi comes in.
Some of you may know that I’m involved with a great charity called Pioneer Clubhouse.
I had been looking to get involved with giving something back to the community for some time and it turned out these guys were just around the corner. Β I have a very strong sense of community,family,growth, nurturing and mentoring and this is why the Clubhouse appeals to me so much. It’s whole ethos, everything about it, resonates massively with me. Virtually everybody knows someone with some form of mental illness and my family is one of the 1 in 5 that has family members affected directly by mental health problems.
The Clubhouse is first and foremost a community of people.Β Much more than simply a program, or a social service, the Clubhouse is most importantly a community of people who are working together toward a common goal.
The Clubhouse is a community intentionally organized to support individuals living with the effects of mental illness.Β Through participation in the Clubhouse people are given the opportunities to rejoin the worlds of friendships, family, important work, employment, education, and to access the services and supports they may individually need.Β The Clubhouse is a restorative environment for people who have had their lives drastically disrupted, and need the support of others who believe that recovery from mental illness is possible for all.
It’s through Clubhouse I met Peter.
Peter had trained as a PT but has been unable to work in the area due to severe anxiety issues. I encouraged Peter towards Massage Therapy, a fantastic line of work, where Peter can utilize his want to help people but in a less confronting and egotistical environment.
Peter is part of the way through his diploma in remedial massage at Randwick TAFE and has been studying for 6 months and doing really well.
Here’s some words from Peter himself: ” I am enjoying massage and have learnt how to give Swedish and Deep tissue massage. In the later stages of the course I will learn how to treat muscular and soft tissue problems on clients which is exciting for me. I have gained a lot more confidence in my ability to become a massage therapist due to the support and encouragement of the staff at pioneer clubhouse, especially Jak Dennison and Joe Bonington from Joes Garage Gym in Balgowlah.
I am on holidays for the next 4 weeks from Tafe and I want to give back to Joe by offering FREE massage to members of Joes Garage Gym, this will benefit me by improving my skills and benefit anyone who would like a massage treatment.”
So Peter would love to be able to practice on you guys. At the moment they will be relaxation and swedish massages as his deep tissue work is next semester. Give Peter a go and help him deliver his skills as a fully fledged massage therapist. Please click on the following link if you are keen for Β FREE MASSAGES
Eventually I’d love to be able to support Peter by offering him work as a massage Therapist within the Garage…. that would make my day and Peter’s π
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