We are taking pre orders for AWF (Australian Weightlifting Federation) Olympic Weightlifting Shoes They come in Green, White and Yellow or Pink Sturdy traditional weightlifting shoes Made for the Australian Weightlifting Federation,...

Not long to go till the Bloody Long Walk. What is it? A fund raising 35km walk from Palm Beach to North Head When is it? Sunday November 3rd How do I train for it? Get...

Many of you know about our trip to climb island peak (6187m), Nepal next march. I'm sure alot of you out there are very goal focused and prefer to have a...

I love what I do with a passion. There is not a morning that I don't get up and smile as I pull on the chain that opens the roller...

On April 30th 2013 Gareth Andrews, a Sydney based Doctor and member at Joe's garage Gym reached the Magnetic North Pole. He had travelled 23 days across the ice, travelling a total of  600Km whilst dragging a 100Kg sled. Both Gareth and his team mate Richard Stephenson, a doctor based in New Zealand had come to Joe for specific strength and conditioning programming and coaching for their adventure.
Our gym program is both indoors and outdoors why? Did you know that research suggests that most of us spend up to 90% of our lives indoors! In the western world we sleep inside, we eat inside, we step into our cars and drive to work, we drive home from work, we then sit down at home, go to bed and do it all over again.How many of you, especially with city or office jobs, spend less than an hour a day outside.... do you think we have evolved to live like this and remain healthy?  A whole week may come and go without ever being outside for any significant length of time.
I had gym issues. Struggling to manage the 24/7 access me anywhere, anytime work demands with no time for exercise The way I saw it I had two options; 1. end my membership at Joe's, which I wasn't using and continue to fit in a run here & and there and try and make myself do home workouts in between answering emails, calls and driving into the city or 2. call Joe & ask for help. I chose option 2 & am sooo thankful I did.

Guys and Girls it's Pub 2 Pub time. Come out with us on this fun day.

We all go for a quick run up the Northern Beaches, our team is doing it in aid of the Pioneer Club House. Then we have a few schooners at the Newport Arms Hotel .... what better way to spend your sunday, a good bit of exercise, a few cleansing ales and some really great company!!