Do you want a real challenge? Do you want to train for a reason? Have you done tough mudder? Oxfam Trailwalker? and a myriad of fun runs and obstacle courses? Do you want something more?

Most Treks takes you to the bottom of mountains....well we want to take you to the top! Imja Tse (Island Peak) 6189m.
Winter is drawing to a close and change is in the air? What changes are you committing to over the next 12 months? Lots of news from the Garage and lots of new faces in the Garage. Welcome all you guys and girls who are new to "the garage crew" as we like to call you. There seems to be so much going on at the moment, which is great! Certainly keeping us on our Toes.
"Swallow a toad in the morning if you want to encounter nothing more disgusting the rest of the day." French writer Nicolas Chamfort (1741-1794) This quote is often changed to "eating a frog" and wrongly attributed to the great American writer Mark Twain (mainly by americans) Do you ever lie there on a monday morning, having made plans that your going to get up and go for a run?
Hello to all Garage Gym goers As im sure you are all aware Joe's Garage Gym is rounding the troops for a strong turn out at this years Manly Fun Run. For those who dont wish to run the full 10kms there's a 5km. There is and also a 2km walk for the people who cant run like myself !!