28 Feb Hello World, It's our Grand Opening day
I’m very proud to announce the official opening day of Joe’s Basecamp by one of the world’s leading mountaineers, Andrew Lock 9:30am Saturday 7th March. We believe we have built a truly unique experience in fitness, training and encouraging people to grow by getting out of their comfort zone.
8am: If you want you can book in for our Open class: choose from Boxing or a Team workout. Come and jump in a class for free and see what we are about, how we work. Experience the fun, the sweat and the tears.
9:30am Official Opening Andrew Lock, Mountaineer. One of the few people in the world to have climbed all fourteen 8000m peaks, an exciting and engaging speaker and truly inspirational man who went from the Scouts to being one of the world’s top mountaineers. Andrew will have with him copies of his new book Summit 8000.
10:30am Stephen Bock – Your local real estate agent and Everest Summiter – a man with big dreams and goals. A Q&A on how a local bloke can get to the top of the world.
We have a mini open fitness competition running all morning with a prize for fastest male and fastest female over the day for 200m Ski/20cals Airdyne/200m Row
- We have the boys from Pace Athletic one of Sydney’s premier sports shoe shops with Open Day deals and give aways.
- The best Chiros and Physios in the business Prestidge Chiropractic and North Curl Curl Physio will be here to show you how they look after our people and improve their performance. These guys know their stuff and work with a whole plethora of elite level athletes from Olympic level down.
- We have got a fantastic organic sausage sizzle going on from our friends round the corner, Shiralee meats. The best organic butcher on the beaches.
- Worried about bringing the kids along? Don’t be – we want them to live big lives too. We will get the littlies’ painting pictures of themselves on adventures. For the older kids, we want to find out their goals and dreams.
- We have more friends here as well, we’ve got Sydney Trail Series to tell you all about their fantastic events in beautiful bushland around Sydney
- Raffle with Prizes from Icebreaker, Pace Athletic, Shiralee meats, North Curl Curl Physio, Prestidge Chiropractic, Arbonne Make up and a membership prize valued at $1800.
- All proceeds go to: Australian Himalayan Foundation and Manly Junior Rugby Club
- Come on down in the morning but if you want to be in with a chance to win $150 towards a pair of shoes from Pace Athletic you must pre register here
- Don’t worry if you can’t make it down on the day you can still get a 1 week voucher here
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